It's sadly funny how video surveillance is a way to prevent death constantly spying on people, of which results are really questionable as shown by everyday London's news. Also, I can't explain how with so many CCTVs the search of criminals is still pretty much time consuming.

The problem I see with the 15-minute city concept is that it can't be adapted to already existing cities. You need to have a brand new city where each borough should have a 15 minutes radius-distance. Each borough should also be planned as if it was a tiny city where people can find almost anything they need in it. This is why what you have mentioned is correct, applying this concept to already existing cities would create major divisions among the classes.

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The 15-minute city idea is about designing neighbourhoods where people can live without a car. If other people want to live in a place where you have to get in your car to pick up a pint of milk, that's up to them. It's not about coercion at all and it's misleading to suggest that it is.

A small point: ULEZ & CAZ has nothing to do with Net Zero. It's about preventing the thousands of deaths that result from particulate pollution and nitrous oxide. It's rhetorically helpful to pretend that they are all part the same deal but it's dishonest and I think Simon knows better.

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